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Showing posts from July, 2017

Artificial Intelligence #4 type of sentence

okey so getting closer to another program today. basically there are four types of sentances Declarative sentence Imperative sentence Interrogative sentence Exclamatory sentence so the thing is you can learn by just typing each on google what types prefer. the thing is how this is help ful to us or ai programming so . we understand each sentence and act like that so ai has a neural network which will act exactly like human. so here are help full for ONLY BASIC AI (dont blame or firing on comment box ok) Declarative sentence : this sentence can be help full for helping ai to remember about something like. "my name is rock". so the next time you ask that "what is my name " it will reply "rock" thats how it will work. next thing i am keeping things simple so you have to learn in details do some google on types of sentences. Imperative sentence : using this we can do like command our ai like "Turn on lights" and thats it. i...

Artificial Intelligence #3

dont know number my ai now can identify whatever my answer is  positive or negative. if she ask me about anything if my answer is no then i have to just say "shutup je***" just guess what will be my wake up phrase for ai. hahha not to complicated . just simple will declare soon and another thing. you dont have to just say yes or no you can answer anything positive or negatively to ai she can understand your reply. it wasn't to hard to program. but its a small task that bring ai level to next stage. so  i am to tired today lots of work going to sleep tomorrow will be greate programming day i am building new thing ai with natural language processing so basically she can identify what to turn off  . like turn off fan and light so she can identify lights and fan has to be turn off without any if else statement. and in more efficient manner. so thank you for reading may be grammer needs to be improve but i am half a sleep just going to write update whatever is h...

Nautrul lang processing vs AIML

Today's task is nlp (natural lang processing), sooo i have a bot with aiml . its perfect but there is a change there is huge differene between aiml and nlp. aiml is basically for personlized and easy for programming. but if you are building big and for all user then you have to go for nlp. thats the basic difference between this two aiml and nlp for beginners. so thats it. now working on nlp getting started for nlp chat bot specifically for home automation. if you have suggestion then let me tell in comment. libraries : nltk pyaiml

Red color detection opencv python

#!/usr/bin/python import cv2 import numpy as np cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True:     _, frame =     hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame , cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)     l_red = np.array([150,150,50])     u_red = np.array([180,255,150])     mask = cv2.inRange(hsv , l_red , u_red)     res = cv2.bitwise_and(frame , frame , mask = mask)     cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,         cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2]     # print frame     # print cnts     center = None         # only proceed if at least one contour was found     # if len(cnts) > 0:         # find the largest contour in the mask, then use         # it to compute the minimum enclosing circle and       ...

Final Year project

Finally my project title is approved for A.i (aritificial intelligence) based automation what i am going to do , is control home using ai just like jarvis dude. yeah thats the whole idea, i know its hard for 1 year project but the thing is i want to make my own personal asistant. coolest thing is i am afraid to program, first thing let me tell you . the thing is i need that project in final year is to make that project. i know its complicated. ok so i can't complete this project in 6 months if i do on my own. but if i have some pressure than i can do this because i have support of faculty and time. so thing i am going to do is. speech recognition. face identification. natural language processing. so stay tune for opensource ai codes.