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Showing posts from 2017

Back to blogspot

so recently i tried to go for wordpress but its too expensive for beginer bloggers like me so blogspot is best for me ;P next thing recently i tried to update android studio 3.0 and p music player stuck at some codes. so repairing is on going sorry for delay and new version for p music player is comming soon, stay tuned

Artificial Intelligence #4 type of sentence

okey so getting closer to another program today. basically there are four types of sentances Declarative sentence Imperative sentence Interrogative sentence Exclamatory sentence so the thing is you can learn by just typing each on google what types prefer. the thing is how this is help ful to us or ai programming so . we understand each sentence and act like that so ai has a neural network which will act exactly like human. so here are help full for ONLY BASIC AI (dont blame or firing on comment box ok) Declarative sentence : this sentence can be help full for helping ai to remember about something like. "my name is rock". so the next time you ask that "what is my name " it will reply "rock" thats how it will work. next thing i am keeping things simple so you have to learn in details do some google on types of sentences. Imperative sentence : using this we can do like command our ai like "Turn on lights" and thats it. i...

Artificial Intelligence #3

dont know number my ai now can identify whatever my answer is  positive or negative. if she ask me about anything if my answer is no then i have to just say "shutup je***" just guess what will be my wake up phrase for ai. hahha not to complicated . just simple will declare soon and another thing. you dont have to just say yes or no you can answer anything positive or negatively to ai she can understand your reply. it wasn't to hard to program. but its a small task that bring ai level to next stage. so  i am to tired today lots of work going to sleep tomorrow will be greate programming day i am building new thing ai with natural language processing so basically she can identify what to turn off  . like turn off fan and light so she can identify lights and fan has to be turn off without any if else statement. and in more efficient manner. so thank you for reading may be grammer needs to be improve but i am half a sleep just going to write update whatever is h...

Nautrul lang processing vs AIML

Today's task is nlp (natural lang processing), sooo i have a bot with aiml . its perfect but there is a change there is huge differene between aiml and nlp. aiml is basically for personlized and easy for programming. but if you are building big and for all user then you have to go for nlp. thats the basic difference between this two aiml and nlp for beginners. so thats it. now working on nlp getting started for nlp chat bot specifically for home automation. if you have suggestion then let me tell in comment. libraries : nltk pyaiml

Red color detection opencv python

#!/usr/bin/python import cv2 import numpy as np cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True:     _, frame =     hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame , cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)     l_red = np.array([150,150,50])     u_red = np.array([180,255,150])     mask = cv2.inRange(hsv , l_red , u_red)     res = cv2.bitwise_and(frame , frame , mask = mask)     cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,         cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2]     # print frame     # print cnts     center = None         # only proceed if at least one contour was found     # if len(cnts) > 0:         # find the largest contour in the mask, then use         # it to compute the minimum enclosing circle and       ...

Final Year project

Finally my project title is approved for A.i (aritificial intelligence) based automation what i am going to do , is control home using ai just like jarvis dude. yeah thats the whole idea, i know its hard for 1 year project but the thing is i want to make my own personal asistant. coolest thing is i am afraid to program, first thing let me tell you . the thing is i need that project in final year is to make that project. i know its complicated. ok so i can't complete this project in 6 months if i do on my own. but if i have some pressure than i can do this because i have support of faculty and time. so thing i am going to do is. speech recognition. face identification. natural language processing. so stay tune for opensource ai codes.

From Manjaro to Fedora (then arch linux)

So i am this is a video about my journey from manjaro to fedora (very short journey)

How to install swift in arch linux

IN aur i have tried 3 days off. oh shit no errors and errors finally found this method not appropriate. but till aur errors resolved so this it. Fish shell users: set -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH  "download path" (do not include usr directory ) you have to set variable for everytime you want to run swift but there is a method for universal environmental variable. bash users: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<download path> thats it . this is how you can run swift in any linux machine. till official support announce. thank you. My Apps Android: P Music Player  Find Mechanics near You  (my startup) Please download  it will appreciate. and comment me for improvement.

Aritificial Intelligence

So working on personal assistante not like jarvis but like friday. python as a backend and no frontend. using raspberry pi and also working on machine learning the project i left i think two years ago. now again i am starting it again. properties friday will do : - voice recognition - identify voice - identify face - do task normal googe assistant does - date with me ;p (just joking)  and libraries i am using speechrecognition pyttssx (changing it soon i hate its sound) and tensorflow right now working on  HeyAthena this library . see ya soon

How to connect raspberry pi to Linux computer via ethernet

yes I have figured it out using my 3 year linux experience. so how to connect raspberry pi to our linux computer via ethernet port so that if dont have router we can make our laptop as router. first  i am using arch linux. so ubuntu procedure may be different here. i am sorry. steps: first i used this and then according to this wiki i set up ethernet my ethernet is enp7s0 so # ip link set up dev enp7s0 # ip addr add dev enp7s0     according to this oh i am sorry this font i dont know how to change it may be i will check that later.   first explanation: we have to assign static ip to our ethernt port so that it can assign ip addressed to device connects to it. according to wiki  comment down all subnet masks. and put this # dhcpd.conf # # Sample configuration file for ISC dhcpd # # option definitions common to all supported networks... option domain-name "

Linux usb devices #2

hahhah i figured it out . if you want to see lsblk label without mounting normal lsblk   and again if you see outout of this lsblk -o name,MODEL,LABEL so there is difference in output at sdb easy enough to identify same storage of usb devices . :) yes.

Linux finding usb devices

i am stuck at one problem in linux since i have started using it. it is identifying lsusb output and then link it to /dev directory . okey in simple worlds using lsusb command to identify which /dev file is used to represent that lsusb bus. but i have not figure out any solution instead  i get something new. i have knowledge that linux can identify any type of device because it has inbuilt driver so ..... i have not apply it here. so to identify which device is lsusb . for mass storage. use lsblk that will link to /dev interface that was so easy but still stuck at if i have two 16GB or four 16GB how do i figure how which one is mine to use. right now i am just tring trial and error method . if you just let me know, i need it. so again i figured out about something new about linux love linux.

how to customize arch linux [2017]

Very long i have not uploaded any video to youtube. i love video editing in kdenlive. that is why i started youtube channel . so thats why i can show people how to do simple stuff in linux and also it makes me practise to editing in kdenlive. but sometimes i hate kdenlive. because i cant do somestuff like autodrawing box (i dont know how to do it if you just mail me ) this are some list for arch linux theme and a video tutorial how to customize arch linux with xfce4 . i already mentioned about why i am using xfce4. Next Video tutorials are coming soon just stay tuned, and comment what ever you want to suggest it is default theme of beautiful xubuntu i post some programming experience. and sometimes codes. My Blog: greybird   :-            :- dots theme is one of most used theme dots theme :- numix theme is famo...

P Music Player #2

From last Post Now its 2:20 AM, Saturday, 20 May 2017 (IST) , Ahmedabad Gujarat. right now right now i am writing code for P music player ...  i have successfully added ringdroid to   P Music Player . functions are working properly still after adding delay time stuck at some integer negative value.working on it. its too late. since i am working too long today ..... coming soon feature in p music player (i thought some are cool). so now i will add some new features: -  - inbuilt sharing functionality like xender.  - inbuilt ringtone set (done, update will soon live) - Improved Folderview (material design , working on it stay toon )  and others are some secrets i can't reveal all of them before update. by the way i am also working on some startup type app. this is  Find Mechanics . please download it and do review . (All copyrights reserved) Download:  P Music Player   Download:  ringdroid Download:  Fin...

P music player update

now f849king exams over, working on p music player , many bugs has to be fixed, i am thinking about to monetize app problem is everyone hates ads in music player (including me). i promised my users to not having  ads. what to do ? oh shit. so i am not going to monetize. but due to demand i am going to add some new features to music player. i am including some libraries. surprise nah. now i want to help some of developers who also wants to make music player like mine. so new features. - set as ringtone (by google) - another thing i am going to do is making whole app as material design. actually i hate ui animations because they consume some extra cpu usage , and some extra kb of ram thats what i hate. because that is why we have to purchase some high end phones. so i decided to remove animations. but i will keep some material design flavour to my app. some bug i have to fix like folderview. i hate my folderview. i tried to fix it but not getting idea if...

About My Programming

This post is not about negative thing. but here it is a quick shot for some people who thinks  coding is passion for them but their mouth are way bigger than their work.      "I am passionate about coding", the word we all listen from all prorgammers. but there is a difference some programmers only talk that they can do this or that , they just make from anything existance and they talk like they built jarvis , what a shit             what is real fact the programmers who wants to built something from scratch are the real once. i am not saying using library is a quick path or you can't use it . you can use it . but dont just think that you have done something using that library because that's already built dude.       github is not for copy and pasting . please give some importance to opensource developers. because they built something usefull for you in free of charge , give ...

About My YouTube Videos and iphone programming using swift

Friend : So where are you kishan ? Me : Just at Home. Friend: Where is Your  YouTube videos ? Me : just coming soon Friend: Bro its been long that you haven't made any youtube video. Me : Sorry bro. just coming So whats happen is i am working with some freelancer coding . now a days i have just learned new programming language called "SWIFT". its for iphone (if you dont know ) . so i just learned. i learned it in just 3 days ( only 40 hours ,others for sleep,eat, college - i am human ) coding. how i learned for you if you want to learn it just very easy and fast to learn if you have learned java and php its just easy for you  First Use swift book provided by apple  then i do programming on ubuntu , download swift for ubuntu do some experiments and then just learned. and then i just make a first app.(Top secret) I will keep posting about update Please stay tune if you want some coding tutorial (Advance). then post comment here. i will post on yout...

All Android Manifest permissions

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_CACHE_FILESYSTEM"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_CONTENT_PROVIDERS_EXTERNALLY"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_DRM_CERTIFICATES"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FM_RADIO"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_IMS_CALL_SERVICE"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_INPUT_FLINGER"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_KEYGUARD_SECURE_STORAGE"/> <uses-permission android:name="an...

My Linux Story

    Busy since while, and then remembered my first Linux Ubuntu machine .     How i had built my machine , all the configuration files , themes, icons, mouse cursors and etc, My favorite package (In Linux Softwares called packages) pulseaudio-equilizer,  which enable audio bass, audio-effects in linux. it was alternative for windows audio effect like realtek software. it is best.     Then remembering my second distro linux-mint.. and then i started all other linux distros like kali linux, backbox linux, debian, and many more (i even not remember others) numbers are countless which i has tested.     And then the Beast catched my eyes....that was distro called "Arch".....     My mind blown said "WOWW that all the things i want"......     because i wanted make iron man (big dream)  my self i have to make my own Linux os. But for that i have to understand how Linux works... LFS was too diffi...

P Music Player

I published my first app on Play store P music player. why i publish this ughly UI app on playstore without even no ads and no in-app-purchases.              when i first downloaded poweramp or google music play , i love both poweramp has my favourite feature which is folder view play. i love folder view play, what it does it allows user to play songs only from that single folder .        how it helps user. so we dont have to make playlist we can make folder for some songs which are available also on pc , mobile and USB , so you can listen all you loved songs on any devices , thats the main benefit.       how it is more usefull than if you create playlist on android. it works across all your android apps, but what about pc...if you want same songs on them too, so people like non-tech are unable to do that... May be technical guy can do  that but what about othe...